Source code for pypac.resolver

Tools for working with a given PAC file and its return values.
    from urllib.parse import urlparse
except ImportError:
    from urlparse import urlparse
    from urllib.parse import quote_plus
except ImportError:
    from urllib import quote_plus

from pypac.parser import parse_pac_value

[docs]class ProxyResolver(object): """ Handles the lookup of the proxy to use for any given URL, including proxy failover logic. """ def __init__(self, pac, proxy_auth=None, socks_scheme="socks5"): """ :param pypac.parser.PACFile pac: Parsed PAC file. :param requests.auth.HTTPProxyAuth proxy_auth: Username and password proxy authentication. If provided, then all proxy URLs returned will include these credentials. :param str socks_scheme: Scheme to assume for SOCKS proxies. `socks5` by default. """ self.pac = pac self._proxy_auth = proxy_auth self.socks_scheme = socks_scheme self._offline_proxies = set() self._cache = {} # Cache parsed version of FindProxyForURL() return values. @property def proxy_auth(self): """Proxy authentication object.""" return self._proxy_auth @proxy_auth.setter def proxy_auth(self, value): self._proxy_auth = value self._cache.clear() self.unban_all() def get_proxies(self, url): """ Get the proxies that are applicable to a given URL, according to the PAC file. :param str url: The URL for which to find appropriate proxies. :return: All the proxies that apply to the given URL. Can be empty, which means to abort the request. :rtype: list[str] """ hostname = urlparse(url).hostname if hostname is None: # URL has no hostname, and PAC functions don't expect to receive nulls. hostname = "" value_from_js_func = self.pac.find_proxy_for_url(url, hostname) if value_from_js_func in self._cache: return self._cache[value_from_js_func] config_values = parse_pac_value(value_from_js_func, self.socks_scheme) if self._proxy_auth: config_values = [add_proxy_auth(value, self._proxy_auth) for value in config_values] self._cache[value_from_js_func] = config_values return config_values def get_proxy(self, url): """ Get a proxy to use for a given URL, excluding any banned ones. :param str url: The URL for which to find an appropriate proxy. :return: A proxy to use for the URL, or the string 'DIRECT', which means a proxy is not to be used. Can be ``None``, which means to not attempt the request. :rtype: str|None """ proxies = self.get_proxies(url) for proxy in proxies: if proxy == "DIRECT" or proxy not in self._offline_proxies: return proxy def get_proxy_for_requests(self, url): """ Get proxy configuration for a given URL, in a form ready to use with the Requests library. :param str url: The URL for which to obtain proxy configuration. :returns: Proxy configuration in a form recognized by Requests, for use with the ``proxies`` parameter. :rtype: dict :raises ProxyConfigExhaustedError: If no proxy is configured or available, and 'DIRECT' is not configured as a fallback. """ proxy = self.get_proxy(url) if not proxy: raise ProxyConfigExhaustedError(url) return proxy_parameter_for_requests(proxy) def ban_proxy(self, proxy_url): """ Ban a proxy such that :meth:`get_proxy` and :meth:`get_proxy_for_requests` will never return it. :param str proxy_url: URL for the proxy to ban. Must match a proxy URL returned by this class, including any authentication info. """ self._offline_proxies.add(proxy_url) def unban_all(self): """Unban any banned proxies.""" self._offline_proxies.clear()
[docs]def add_proxy_auth(possible_proxy_url, proxy_auth): """ Add a username and password to a proxy URL, if the input value is a proxy URL. :param str possible_proxy_url: Proxy URL or ``DIRECT``. :param requests.auth.HTTPProxyAuth proxy_auth: Proxy authentication info. :returns: Proxy URL with auth info added, or ``DIRECT``. :rtype: str """ if possible_proxy_url == "DIRECT": return possible_proxy_url parsed = urlparse(possible_proxy_url) return "{0}://{1}:{2}@{3}".format( parsed.scheme, quote_plus(proxy_auth.username), quote_plus(proxy_auth.password), parsed.netloc )
[docs]def proxy_parameter_for_requests(proxy_url_or_direct): """ :param str proxy_url_or_direct: Proxy URL, or ``DIRECT``. Cannot be empty. :return: Value for use with the ``proxies`` parameter in Requests. :rtype: dict """ if proxy_url_or_direct == "DIRECT": # This stops Requests from inheriting environment proxy settings. proxy_url_or_direct = None return { "http": proxy_url_or_direct, "https": proxy_url_or_direct, }
[docs]class ProxyConfigExhaustedError(Exception): def __init__(self, for_url): super(ProxyConfigExhaustedError, self).__init__("No proxy configured or available for '{}'".format(for_url))