Source code for pypac.parser

Functions and classes for parsing and executing PAC files.
import warnings

import dukpy

from pypac.parser_functions import function_injections

def _inject_function_into_js(context, name, func):
    Inject a Python function into the global scope of a dukpy JavaScript interpreter context.

    :type context: dukpy.JSInterpreter
    :param name: Name to give the function in JavaScript.
    :param func: Python function.
    context.export_function(name, func)
        {name} = function() {{
            var args =;
            return call_python.apply(null, args);

[docs]class PACFile(object): """ Represents a PAC file. JavaScript parsing and execution is handled by the `dukpy`_ library. .. _dukpy: """ def __init__(self, pac_js, **kwargs): """ Load a PAC file from a given string of JavaScript. Errors during parsing and validation may raise a specialized exception. :param str pac_js: JavaScript that defines the FindProxyForURL() function. :raises MalformedPacError: If the JavaScript could not be parsed, does not define FindProxyForURL(), or is otherwise invalid. """ if kwargs.get("recursion_limit"): import warnings warnings.warn("recursion_limit is deprecated and has no effect. It will be removed in a future release.") try: self._context = dukpy.JSInterpreter() for name, func in function_injections.items(): _inject_function_into_js(self._context, name, func) self._context.evaljs(pac_js) # A test call to weed out errors like unimplemented functions. self.find_proxy_for_url("/", "") except dukpy.JSRuntimeError as e: raise MalformedPacError(original_exc=e) # from e
[docs] def find_proxy_for_url(self, url, host): """ Call ``FindProxyForURL()`` in the PAC file with the given arguments. :param str url: The full URL. :param str host: The URL's host. :return: Result of evaluating the ``FindProxyForURL()`` JavaScript function in the PAC file. :rtype: str """ return self._context.evaljs("FindProxyForURL(dukpy['url'], dukpy['host'])", url=url, host=host)
[docs]class MalformedPacError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg=None, original_exc=None): if not msg: msg = "Malformed PAC file" self.original_exc = original_exc if original_exc: msg += " ({})".format(original_exc) super(MalformedPacError, self).__init__(msg)
class PyimportError(MalformedPacError): def __init__(self): super(PyimportError, self).__init__( "PAC file contains pyimport statement. " "Ensure that the source of your PAC file is trustworthy" ) import warnings warnings.warn("PyimportError is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.") class PacComplexityError(RuntimeError): def __init__(self): super(PacComplexityError, self).__init__( "Maximum recursion depth exceeded while parsing PAC file. " "Raise it using sys.setrecursionlimit()" ) import warnings warnings.warn("PacComplexityError is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.")
[docs]def parse_pac_value(value, socks_scheme=None): """ Parse the return value of ``FindProxyForURL()`` into a list. List elements will either be the string "DIRECT" or a proxy URL. For example, the result of parsing ``PROXY example.local:8080; DIRECT`` is a list containing strings ``http://example.local:8080`` and ``DIRECT``. :param str value: Any value returned by ``FindProxyForURL()``. :param str socks_scheme: Scheme to assume for SOCKS proxies. ``socks5`` by default. :returns: Parsed output, with invalid elements ignored. Warnings are logged for invalid elements. :rtype: list[str] """ config = [] for element in value.split(";"): element = element.strip() if not element: continue try: config.append(proxy_url(element, socks_scheme)) except ValueError as e: warnings.warn(str(e)) return config
[docs]def proxy_url(value, socks_scheme=None): """ Parse a single proxy config value from FindProxyForURL() into a more usable element. The recognized keywords are ``DIRECT``, ``PROXY``, ``SOCKS``, ``SOCKS4``, and ``SOCKS5``. See :param str value: Value to parse, e.g.: ``DIRECT``, ``PROXY example.local:8080``, or ``SOCKS example.local:8080``. :param str socks_scheme: Scheme to assume for SOCKS proxies. ``socks5`` by default. :returns: Parsed value, e.g.: ``DIRECT``, ``http://example.local:8080``, or ``socks5://example.local:8080``. :rtype: str :raises ValueError: If input value is invalid. """ if value.upper() == "DIRECT": return "DIRECT" parts = value.split() if len(parts) == 2: keyword, proxy = parts[0].upper(), parts[1] if keyword == "PROXY": keyword = "HTTP" elif keyword == "SOCKS": keyword = socks_scheme or "SOCKS5" if keyword in ("HTTP", "HTTPS", "SOCKS4", "SOCKS5"): return "{0}://{1}".format(keyword.lower(), proxy) raise ValueError("Unrecognized proxy config value '{}'".format(value))